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Vertigo Treatment in Houston That Is Better Than Just "Par for the Course"

Vertigo, Dizzy, DizzinessVertigo is a condition that does not discriminate. As many as 10 percent of people suffer from vertigo, from the average Joe to golf superstars. For people over 40, 2 in 5 will suffer from vertigo.1 In fact, 2.5 percent of visits to the ER between 1995 and 2004 are attributed to vertigo.2

What causes vertigo is sometimes a mystery, but researchers do know that the primary part of a person that is affected is the Vestibular System which is responsible for balance and orientation.3 Fluid in the ear canal works together with the brain and spinal cord to maintain balance. When this process is interrupted, vertigo occurs.

Vertigo has become a newsworthy medical condition since Jason Day collapsed during the second day of the US Open golf tournament. The pro golfer from Australia has suffered from vertigo since 2010. 4 Day takes medication in order to combat the condition while playing professionally, and shot 6 under par on the day the incident occurred.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

Houston vertigo specialist

Of course, most individuals who experience vertigo are not professional athletes and are just looking for a way to cope with the debilitating symptoms at work, school, and home. In Houston, Texas, one source of relief is the Upper Cervical Chiropractic practice of Dr. Jason Minogue. This strategy works for vertigo because a misalignment of the Atlas (C1) vertebrae can negatively affect the Eustachian tubes, a critical part of the Vestibular System. One clinical trial revealed that 4 of 5 patients had their vertigo eliminated through Upper Cervical Chiropractic adjustments, while the other 1 in 5 saw an improvement of their symptoms. 5

Dr. Minogue is a specialist in realigning the C1 vertebrae. A consultation may be your first step in long-term, natural relief from your vertigo symptoms.



  1. Friedman M, Hamid MA, Samy HM.. Dizziness, Vertigo, and Imbalance.. (accessed 29 May 2015).
  2. Kerber KA, Meurer WJ, West BT, Fendrick AM. Dizziness presentations in U.S. emergency departments, 1995-2004. Acad Emerg Med. Aug 2008;15(8):744-50.
  3. Voron, Stephen. “The Vestibular System”. University of Utah School of Medicine.
  4. Busbee J. Jason Day’s vertigo update: ‘I’m not thinking about falling over on my face again’.—i-m-not-thinking-about-falling-over-on-my-face-again-164446234.html (accessed 17 June 2015).
  5. Elster E. Sixty patients with chronic vertigo undergoing upper cervical chiropractic care to correct vertebral subluxation: a retrospective analysis. Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, Nov. 8, 2006:1-9.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Jason Minogue call (713) 690-4150 or go to

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