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Houston Spinal Care Reviews

Chiropractor Houston Patient ReviewsWhat Our Houston Patients Say

At Houston Spinal Care we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments. What others say about NUCCA and Upper Cervical Chiropractic care can help you make the right health care choice. Share your stories too! Click here to send us your feedback so that we can help to spread the word about the benefits of natural Houston Spinal Care care. For more information, or to schedule an appointment contact us today.

Yours in health,
Dr. Jason Minogue

Service and Results Today were Excellent

Service and results today were excellent. I went in with my hip and leg hurting. When I left the office they no longer hurt. I was excited at the quick result I had with my first visit with Dr. Minogue. Thanks a million, Dr. Jason.

– Carol

Recommended to Anyone Seeking Pain Relief

I have fibromyalgia and have been to numerous doctors: pain management, chiropractors, family doctors, acupuncture people, a dry needling Dr., and I found no relief for my condition until I came to Dr. Jason. He has given me hope in the treatment of my chronic pain. I have been seeing him for three and one-half months and I feel 50% better. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking pain relief!

– Diana

Amazed With My Results

I am absolutely amazed at the fact that I feel almost completely “fixed” after yesterday’s visit. I was truly in agony both cervical and lumbar. Had MD friend recommending ESI injections. Wanted to visit you first. Thank heavens I did. Thank you a million times over.”

– Rebecca

Very Pleasant Visit

Very pleasant visit. Dulce was very sweet and accommodating. Dr. J was very informative and helpful. Can’t wait to see what kind of regimen I’m put on. Looking forward to my next visit!

– Norma

I Really Love Dr. Jason

I really love Dr. Jason. He is very knowledgeable and so amiable. I’m so glad that I made the choice to get his care.”

– Linda

Brachioradial Pruritus helped by NUCCA treatment

Dr. Jason Minogue and Houston Spinal Care are the best in town. I suffered intense itching on my arms for 18 years. During those 18 years of misery, I sought care and cure from internists, rheumatologists, dermatologists and even psychiatrists!

To no avail – not ONE M.D. suggested that the Brachioradial Pruritus could be related to neck or spine – I took all sorts of medications to relieve the itching. I finally read on the internet that nerve issues in the neck can present as pain OR itching.

My research led me to Dr. Jason. Within a month, my itch was GONE – I came off the medicine I had been taking (and lost 10 lbs.) -and the itching is still gone. I couldn’t be happier. It is a little known condition and I found so many people on the internet who suffered as I did – I’m so happy that I found a solution for me. Dr. Jason comes with my highest recommendation!”

– Brooke

Goodbye to Headaches

In September 2004 I began having severe headaches. My neck muscles would tighten up and a headache would quickly follow. I began with a local neurologist and he explained to me that the headaches were causing my neck to tighten, not the tight neck causing my headaches. This line of thinking lead me to 3 neurologists in the Houston area for attempted cures. Three hospital stays and many types of medicines were experimented with during the next 6 years, none of which stopped the pain much less a cure. My next step was to visit a Neurosurgeon. My wife spoke to one of Dr. Jason’s patients and discovered that our stories were very similar. Upon visiting with Dr. Jason I soon realized that what all the neurologists couldn’t explain, Dr. Jason was able to. Since being treated by Dr. Jason I have seen drastic positive changes in my headaches and my overall health. Where I used to have headaches almost daily, I have not had one for over a month now and counting. Dr Jason explained that it was in fact the neck muscles that are contracting and causing the headaches. I felt improvement after the first 2 visits!

– Billy

Gentle Treatment But Powerful Results

When I came to Houston Spinal Care I had neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, and my right hip ached constantly. I would wake in the morning feeling tired because my neck and shoulders hurt.

Now after 8 treatments all my pain is gone and I sleep well and feel great!

I am very excited about this noninvasive treatment and how gentle it is but so powerful!

– Patti

Trigeminal Neuralgia

After suffering with Trigeminal Neuralgia for 11 years, I learned about NUCCA from other sufferers and found Dr. Minogue. My first treatment began on June 4, 2013. I adhered to his recommended schedule, and within months the pain decreased. By September 2014, I was pain free! I enjoyed a year and a half of no pain after enduring an excruciating beast for over a decade.
I slacked off on treatment for six months and the pain returned. I saw Dr. Minogue again this past March, and I sit here writing this review pain free.

Folks want an easy fix, failing to admit symptoms to an underlying problem did not develop overnight. So when you quick fix symptoms, they’ll come back, since the root problem wasn’t addressed. Remember, poor health takes time to develop, as well as, good health. TN is debilitating and sucks the purpose out of your life. I’m so grateful to have learned of NUCCA and to have found Dr. Minogue. He changed my livelihood and helped restore purpose to my life!

– Kandi

NUCCA Has Given Me A Fuller Life

When I became a patient I never expected the journey that it would take me. I was a patient for almost a year before I had the privilege of being a part of a team for something I believe in with all my heart.

I had been in so much pain for so long with my neck, shoulders, lower back and feet I didn’t dare to do anything that might cause me any more discomfort. I had been to many medical doctors and they all had different diagnoses about what the problems were but most wanted me to rely on pain medication. That was not a real option to me although I had to at times.

After only one adjustment I couldn’t believe the difference! That very weekend I went to with a friend to Canton, a huge trade day, where there is a lot of walking. After a few hours she asked me what in the world had I done that I could walk so long with no break.

My neck and shoulder pain were also nearly nonexistent. For years I had been told the neck pain was a genetic weakness as most of my family had suffered with it.

That summer I was invited to float the river in New Braunfels. There is no way that I would have even considered this before, but I knew if I had pain afterwards where I could go to get “fixed”.

I plan on being under maintenance care for the rest of my life! Thanks to God, and NUCCA my life is much fuller now!

– Susan

10 years of pain gone!

After 2 accidents, and over 10 years of pain, Dr. Jason fixed me. When I first came in I had 35 lbs of weight distributed on one side of my body. After my first alignment I immediately felt relief. I am very grateful for this doctor and his ability to heal holistically. Last, but NOT least, the massage therapist here is an Angel in disguise. She not only give the best massages, she understands her craft, and can help heal muscles. She has become my monthly necessity.

– Monisha

Fibromyalgia- What a Difference it Has Made in my Life

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus or similar autoimmune disease in 1994. Later Fibromyalgia was added to the diagnosis. I had bounced from one Rheumatologist to another all of which just treated my symptoms. One told me the goal was to have me 70% free of pain. Then a friend started with NUCCA care which really helped her back pain. So when she offered me a gift certificate for a free visit I was eager to try. I’ve always believed in an active approach to my health care and I had faith in the principle that my body could heal itself if given the chance. I found myself requiring less and less medications. Today after 10 weeks of care I find myself 95% free of pain and on at least half of the prescriptions. I feel sure that eventually I can go off most or all of my medication.

I would recommend this office to everyone. I know what a difference it has made in my life. Thank you!

– Terry

Help for Chronic Ear Infections

By the time my daughter, Brittany, was 9 months she had experienced numerous ear infections. Each required a 10 day round of antibiotics only to occur again. She rarely slept through the night.

Her pediatrician referred her to an ENT as a possible candidate for tubes. At the suggestion of a patient, I took her to Houston Spinal Care instead. She is now 11 months old and has not had an ear infection or sleepless night since.

A few weeks ago our family went through a stomach virus that lasted each of us 48 hours. Brittany woke up throwing up and very lethargic. I called to cancel her appointment and they suggested I bring her in. We went in throwing up on the way. After her adjustment she did not throw up again and was back to her normal self by early afternoon.

– Jennifer


Reviews for Houston Spinal Care | (713) 690-4150