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Natural and Affordable Migraine Relief in Houston, Texas

Headache, Migraine, Headache ReliefMigraines are a scourge that afflict people throughout Texas and across the entire globe. According to one estimate, 12 percent of Americans suffer from migraines1 The biggest headache for most healthcare providers, though, is trying to figure out how to properly treat migraines.

There are varying degrees of headaches and migraines and even more potential causes. Symptoms also range from patient to patient making it difficult for health care providers to even diagnose migraines, let alone treat them. Emergency room visits are not uncommon for migraine sufferers with 1 in 7 seeking immediate help.1

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End Your Migraines by clicking the image below. DrMinogueMigraine3D

A general practitioner needs to cover all their bases and rule out all of the possible causes of a migraine. Frequently, tests are performed to ensure that no stroke has occurred. This is an expensive, and oeften unnecessary procedure, which results in great cost to the patient besides a huge dose of unneeded radiation.2

A Better Treatment Option for Migraines

Standard migraine treatments range from over-the-counter drugs containing ibuprofen to opioids, beta blockers, and antiseizure medications. If you prefer a natural treatment option for your migraines, consult Dr. Jason Minogue, a migraine specialist in Houston, Texas.

Dr. Minogue utilizes natural and gentle Upper Cervical Chiropractic methods to provide relief. This frequently gets right to the source of migraines, rather than simply treating the symptoms.  Research shows that a correlation exists between C1 vertebrae misalignment in the neck and migraines. After an examination, patient-specific treatments can provide fast, natural, and affordable relief for those who suffer from migraines.


  1. Cluster Headache. (accessed 10 April 2015).
  1. Thompson D. Malpractice fears spurring most ER docs to order unnecessary tests. (accessed 10 April 2015).
  1. Elster EL. Upper cervical chiropractic care for a patient with chronic migraine headaches with an appendix summarizing an additional 100 headache cases. J Vert Sublux Res 2003;AUG(3):1-10


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Jason Minogue call (713) 690-4150 or go to

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